Svelte Craft Design System

Svelte Craft is a lightweight, flexible design system for building responsive layouts in Svelte and handling prose.

npx jsrepo add --repo github/sikandarjodd/craft

Svelte Craft Design System

Svelte Craft is a lightweight, flexible design system for building responsive layouts in Svelte and handling prose. It provides a set of foundational components that make it easy to create consistent, maintainable layouts while leveraging the power of Tailwind CSS.


  • Modern Styling: Built with Tailwind CSS and compatible with shadcn-svelte
  • Responsive Design: First-class support for responsive layouts
  • Type-Safe: Written in TypeScript with strong type inference
  • Performance: Zero runtime overhead, all styles are compiled
  • Accessible: Built with WCAG guidelines in mind
  • Lightweight: No external dependencies beyond Tailwind CSS


  • Sveltekit
  • Shadcn-svelte (for the color system)
  • Tailwind CSS
  • TypeScript (recommended)

Quick Start

npx jsrepo add --repo github/sikandarjodd/craft

The installer will:

  1. Install and configure required packages - tailiwnd-merge and clsx
  2. Set up the Craft component in your project
  3. Add Layout, Prose, Container, Section Components in you project

Core Components


The root component that provides base styling and structure.

  <!--  Your page content -->


The primary content area of your page. Applies typography styles without header spacing.

  <p>This content will have typography styles applied.</p>


A semantic section container for grouping related content.

  <!-- Section content -->


Centers content and provides consistent horizontal padding.

  <!-- Centered content with padding -->


Applies typography and spacing styles (including header spacing), ideal for long-form content.

  <h1>Article Title</h1>
  <p>Article content with proper typography and spacing.</p>


Similar to Article but without max-width constraints and header spacing. Perfect for rich text content.

  <!-- Rich text content -->

Typography System

Svelte Craft provides a comprehensive typography system that handles:

  • Headings (h1-h6) with proper sizing and spacing
  • Paragraphs with comfortable line height
  • Lists (ordered, unordered, and nested)
  • Code blocks and inline code
  • Tables with proper borders and spacing
  • Block quotes and citations
  • Figures and captions
  • And more...

Typography Components

Choose the right typography component for your needs:

  • Article: Full typography with header spacing
  • Prose: Typography without header spacing
  • Main: Basic typography without header spacing


Tailwind Configuration

Craft works seamlessly with your Tailwind configuration. You can customize:

  • Colors through your color palette
  • Spacing through your spacing scale
  • Typography through your font settings
  • Breakpoints through your screen configurations

Component Styling

All components accept a class prop for custom styling:

<Container class="bg-gray-100 dark:bg-gray-900">
  <Section class="py-12">
    <h1>Custom Styled Section</h1>

Best Practices

Layout Structure

        <h1>Page Title</h1>
        <Box cols={2} gap={6}>
         <!-- Content -->

Content Structure

  <h1>Article Title</h1>
  <p>Introduction paragraph...</p>

  <h2>Section Title</h2>
  <p>Section content...</p>

  <Box cols={3} gap={4}>
    <!-- Grid content  -->